Entrance Education Series Report
In order to further normalize the behavioral habits of the first year middle school students, at 9.30 A.M. on 4th September, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior High Department of the east campus organized new students from Grade 7 to attend the seminar intended for formative education of behavioral habits. The seminar was chaired by Junior High Deputy Director Hu Sen.
In the first place, by means of a video, Vice Director Hu Sen presented Anqing Foreign Language School’s style and features to enable students to fully feel the glory of this elegant holy land.
In the second place, Deputy Director Hu Sen required students to establish objective consciousness and build up the principle of ‘Discipline First’ to enable students to understand that observing discipline was the premise to reach their prime. The meeting focused on favorable habits and responsibility consciousness, making students comprehend their due obligation.
In the third place, Deputy Director Hu Sen showcased the favorable behavioral habits of Anqing Foreign Language School’s former students via a series of campus photos, which touched new students’ heart. In the meantime, they strengthened their conviction to form good habits. Afterwards, the seminar concluded in students’ passionate and aspiring pledge.
In a nutshell, this habit forming education enabled students to make clear the specific requirements of their daily behavioral norms, enhance their consciousness to continuously pursue positive and optimistic lifestyle in addition to stabilizing their pace of progress.
